Saturday, January 10, 2015

Daily Devotional ~ Jan 10

"Never covet the things which God has bestowed
in more abundance upon others than He has upon you."
Surah 4:32 | Islam

The reading goes on to explain that this spirit of covetousness stems from a lack of gratitude for the gifts we do have. This reminds me of two tweets from Jesuit priest James Martin: 
In the words of Professor Gaskill, "God gives us the gifts He does because He has an individual plan for each of our lives. Thus, to covet another's gifts is to reject one's own — and to reject God's personal plan for you."

Are you grateful for the gifts, trials, and mission God has given you in life? (I try to be.)

Are you ever guilty of wishing you had the blessings or gifts of others? (Of course)

Do you sense a divine purpose for you in life; and if so, do you know what that purpose is and what role your gifts are to play in it? (Yes; still working on it) ;)

This also reminds me of my time as a missionary and learning that God hasn't called us all to be the same, but to use our unique gifts in unique ways to fulfill His unique plans for each of us. He hasn't called me to be like others, He's called me to be more fully myself and to be who He knows I can be - not who someone else can be. It can be easy to be jealous of other people and what it looks like they've accomplished or what it seems like other people think of them, but it's healthy and happy to remember that we each look different and that that's a good thing. 

Another tweet from James Martin, SJ, because I really like his tweets

:) A happy reminder for all of us, I think.  

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